Sunday 28 April 2013

Sundance Film & Music Festival 2013

This is Sundance London 2nd year, I sadly missed last years due to work but this year I made it to watch a film called Metro Manila. Being Filipino made it more intriguing to see a story based in my home country, and with out telling you what it is about, I will say it's a heist movie on the struggles of a man and his family to try come out of the slums.

At the end there was a Q&A with the director Sean Ellis, a non Filipino, English director and cinematographer. There was the obvious questions the Filipino viewers would ask, not grasping the fact that his story was not a depiction of Philippines, but a universal story on choices of a struggling man. This tale could have been set in India, Brazil, or LA. Setting it in Manila made it personal for those from the home land taking its situation to heart.

I must commend the 1st time director for taking on a challenge as he doesn't speak tagalog. Making directing and editing a longer task, but a fruitful one as he concentrated and learnt the importance of body language. His cinematography on the stunning views makes one reminisce of holidays or peaceful days where you sit and watch the world go by on a roof or balcony at sunset and ponder about life or simply watch it go by.

I am proud to have taken a small part of Sundance. Its purpose to give a platform for independent movies and music. A voice for stories to get told that could have drowned in the commercial and political pressures. The group/institute has a diverse range of eco and cultural cultivating outlets supporting and nourishing the environment both people and nature. Its ethos not stopping with film and music but also branching into artisans of textile and print.

There is so much more to learn about Sundance since its start in 1981 with founder Robert Redford, so I will leave you with his words.

"You might find a new favourite film or music act, a new reason to love something that's already on your radar or a new cause to support. After all, while the conversation we generate here is important, ultimately, we hope you leave with an idea of how you can take action - in ways big or small"

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