This year is probably the first Vogue Night I'll be missing. I've been awol as the last 2 months I've been suffering from Hyperemesis, so far been in hospital 4 times for what is best to describe as extreme vomiting and dehydration seen in some pregnant women. Yes I'm pregnant and having a hard 1st trimester that blogging or anything has been on hold.
As an ode to my annual Vogue Night, I thought to put up the pics of last years. As last year I had no computer to post it.

Last year I went with friends and dinner at Patara after. The main attraction was the jive dancing stage out side Hermes and loudest party must have been Micheal Kors. It looked so packed and hands in the air rocking from outside!

I am upset I cant be there this year. Last year I was actually paped by a magazine. My hair was shaved on one side my outfit chinos rock vest and wedges. This year I was planning long tutu skirt.. oh well next year it is then.